Saturday, August 6, 2016

Now we are 4: hopefully not for long

In yesterday's post I narrated the tale of the rat in the Pajero.  On the way "home" from Mareeba we purchased a sack of spuds, which we left in the car overnight.  This morning something had got at the sack and chewed a hole in it (and half eaten a spud).  We couldn't track the miscreant anywhere in the car which means it must have a hidey hole somewhere in the bodywork or chassis. So Ratsak was acquired and put in selected places to await its dining pleasure.  The spuds will have to travel in the camper (which is free of rats, as far as we know).

Most of today was focused on leaving as the passerine breaks wind, tomorrow morning.  It will actually be a little later than that, as we  don't want to pack the car until the morning (to give the rodent a clear run at the ratsak).    However we did fit in a dog walk which included nice sightings of a 'pus in Peterson's Creek,
 On our way home a large fitness class was happening in the market park.
Our treat for the day was a return to Lake Barrrine.  Initially it was very quiet and we're not sure why, although the wind may not have helped.  The waterlilies were attractive.
As were these non-flowering plants.

We ended with quite a few good species of birds, including Orange-footed Scrubfowl (Bird of the Day); 5 Chowchillas giving very good views; Pied and Spectacled Monarchs; Pale Yellow and Grey-headed Robins and Brown Cuckoo Dove
I needed to use the facilities in the cafe rest rooms and found this helpful sign.  Unfortunately it was behind the pedestal so had to be noticed on entry rather than while in the position (either one).
On the subject of the Crater Lakes one theory we have heard for the presence of crocs in these waterbodies with no creeks running into them, is that pig hunters find crocodile nests with eggs and take one back for the girlfriend.  Some of them hatch and eventually get too big to be amusing (or the girl friend can't hack the out-competing looks).  So what do you?   Dump it in the Lake.

  • Bird of the day: Orange-footed Scrubfowl.  No specific flocks noted.
  • Vegetation of the day:   The lichen and fungi at Lake Barrine
  • Memorable moment: Seeing the munched spud.
  • Comment of the day: A quiet day
  • Pie of the day: Nothing doing
  • Troppo moment of the day.  Finding the munched spud (White-tailed Rats are troppo specialists).

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